Bynary Message

One day i was going threw my emails nothign abnormal just spam and verifications for websites when i came across a message from a buddy named George, who i havent seen for two years i checked the message but then i was alarmed by a timer telling me to go to work i exited my browser after a long boring day at work i notced the browser dint exit i thought "Well i must of not exited out oops" so i read the message it stated
The message contaied a number of Zeros and Ones, of witch i couldent understand.
I realised it was bynary after being confused for awile,.
It read:
"I have abandoned you. you will all die a slow painful death, you may hide but youll die youll see your eyes fall out as hell is reined apon you, are going to see your worst fears come to life YOU ARE ABANDONED
Love, God"
I was shocked
I replied what do you mean? He replied
"You will die like me"
I grabbed a newspaper remembering that someone whent missing it stated:
"20 year old George Barbaro has gone missing today police search ands yet havent found any sign"
Two days later i heard something outside i took a flashlight and searched for it I heard "Abandoned By God" my heart raced i heard rustling i moved the bush to find a severd head of george his eyes missing the organs ounce in side of him where missing his mouth opend and said "You will be next" then repeated a number of zeros and ones. I belieave meaned "abandoned by -Something" his head exploded one of his missing eyeballs landed near me It looked at me, i ran into my house hoping to not see any other problem happend, whith a glasing stare the eye stared at me throug the window, as if it expected me, or if it was waiting for something. My house suddenly lost power the dark as black as the sea, darker then most nights.
I woke up then. I still get messages but not through the internet.......Through my mind.